Board members

Miscellaneous Information:

Shen Selvam 1Shen has been in the oil and gas industry for 20 years in a variety of operational management and project engineer roles. Currently he is a Senior Project Manager specialising in subsea and wellhead operations. Shen’s areas of expertise include operations management, strategic planning, change management, and strategic planning.

Shen holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree, a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Science in Marketing.

Shen represents Grampian Housing Association on the Kirkgate Board also sits on the parent company's Finance, Assurance & Staffing Committee.  He is the Association’s Digital Champion, assisting with the development and implementation of the Association’s Digital Strategy. 

As an avid traveller, Shen has observed many different cultures and our shared need for a place to call home; something not all of us are fortunate to be able to do. Having lived in Aberdeen for more than 20 years, Shen joined Grampian Housing Association's Board to help make a difference in the lives of the communities it supports.