Published Information

Classes of Information

We publish all the information that we hold within the following classes. Once information is published under a class we will continue to make it available for the current and previous two financial years.

Where information has been updated or superseded, only the current version will be available. If you would like to see previous versions, you may make a request to us for that information.

Class 1: About Grampian Housing

Who we are

Our Vision, Purpose and Values

About Let's Choose

About TLC Housing Maintenance

Our Services

Business Plans

Customer Care Plan

Location and opening arrangements

Our office addresses and contact details

Contact details for making a complaint

Information relating to Freedom of Information

Publication Scheme and Guide to Information

Charging Schedule for Published Information

Contact details and advice on making on a FOI request

Freedom of Information policies and proceudres

Charging Schedule for environmental information provided in response to requests made under EIRs

About our Board (Governing Body)

Our Board members (Grampian HA)

Our Board members (Let's Choose/Kirkgate Developments)

Our Board members (TLC Housing Maintenance)

Role of the Board

Code of Conduct for Board (Governing Body) Members

How to become part of the Board

About our staff

Our Senior Management Team

Our organisational structure

Governance Documents and Corporate Policies

Rules/Articles/Standing Orders

Membership Policy

Board Membership

Code of Conduct for Staff

Conflict of Interest

Governing Body Code of Conduct & Breach of Code

Entitlements Payments and Benefits Policy

Register of Interests

Equalities Policy

Health and Safety Policy - this document is procured so is not published

Sustainability Policy

Relationship with Regulators

Engagement Plan with Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR)

Annual Assurance Statement 2019

Annual Return on Charter (ARC)

Financial Returns to SHR

External and Internal Audit arrangements

Group Details

Details of our subsidiaries

Key Partnerships

Class 2: How we deliver our functions and services

How to use our services

List of services provided

How to report a repair

Right to repair information

How to apply for a house

How to get information about tenancy support

How to make a complaint

How to speak to your Housing Officer and other staff

How to get involved

How we consult with tenants and other customers

Our policies and procedures

Adaptations Policy -  under review

Anti-Social Behaviour Policy -  under review

Asbestos Management - under review

Asset Management Strategy (including stock condition information) -  under review

Customer Care Plan

Data Protection Policy

Equality and Diversity - under review

Estate Management

Health & Safety Policy and procedures - this document is procured so is not published

Legionnaires Inspection/Prevention - under review

Lettings (Allocations)

Procurement Strategy

Risk Management Policy - under review

Rent Management (Arrears) Policy

Rent Setting Policy -  under review

Repairs Policy - under review

Sustainability Policy

Sustainable Development Policy

Tenancy Sustainment Services

ASSIST (housing support project)

SMART (money advice project)

Energy Advice Project 


Class 3: How we take decisions and what we have decided

Board (Governing Body) Meetings

Board meeting minutes

Board meeting reports/papers

Board meeting agendas

Consultation and Participation

Customer Participation Strategy

Consultation reports - results reported to tenants via Keynote newsletters 

Class 4: What we spend and how we spend it

Information about our accounts and budgets

Description of funding sources

Audited accounts

Budget policies and procedures

Budget allocation to key service areas

Our programme of works and projects

Project funding

Capital work projects

Spending relating to staff and Board members

Expenses policies and procedures

Senior staff and Board member expenses - published from November 2019

Board member remuneration (other than expenses) - Not Applicable

Pay and grading structure

General information about staff pension


Class 5: How we manage our human, physical and information resources

Human Resources

People Strategy

Staffing structure

Human Resources Policies (including procedures) covering:


Performance management

Salary and grading





Staff development

Maintenance and retention of staff records

Trade Union information

Information Resources

Data Protection Policy (including records management & records retention schedule)

GDPR Privacy Notices

Freedom of Information Policy


Class 8: Our commercial publications

Information packaged and made available for sale on a commercial basis and sold at market value through a retail outlet e.g., bookshop, museum or research journal.

The Grampian Group does not hold or publish any information under this class.

Class 9: Our open data

Open data made available by the authority as described by the Scottish Government's Open Data Resource Pack and available under an open licence.

The Grampian Group does not hold or publish any information under this class.