Record Management

Records are one of Grampian Housing Association’s most vital assets. Our records support decision making, document activities, provide evidence of policies, decisions and transactions, and underpin our daily work.

To ensure that records are managed properly, we aim to follow the  Code of Practice on Records Management  which was issued by Scottish Ministers in line with Section 61 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. 

Our Data Protection Policy outlines how we manage our records. This details our commitment to ensuring that records are accurate and reliable, can be easily retrieved and are kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary.

Records Management and Retention Schedule

Our Data Protection Policy includes information about the administration and efficient management of records and information, from their creation until their ultimate disposal.  It also contains a list of records retained by Grampian Housing Association for a designated period of time which shows the title of each record, a time period for retention and why we retain it.

Download our Data Protection Policy