Grampian Housing Association is run and governed by a voluntary Board of Management made up of people from the community with backgrounds in areas including finance, property, law, housing, charities and asset management. They are all committed to providing affordable homes for people in housing need. There are also opportunities for tenants and customers to become Board members.
Click here to see information about Grampian Housing Association Board members.
Grampian has adopted a set of rules. These set out how the Association will operate, the rights of members of the Association, how the Board will be appointed and arrangements for financial management. The Association’s rules are based on ‘model rules’ which have the support of the Scottish Housing Regulator, Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator and Financial Conduct Authority.
If you would like to ask questions about the rules or wish to become a member and get involved in the running of the Association please contact Sandra MacIntyre, Governance & Communications Manager (T: 07825 142311 | E: communications@grampianhousing.co.uk).
We recognise the importance of good governance to protect the interests of our tenants and residents as well as people we hope to help in the future. As a Registered Social Landlord, the Association is registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator, the independent regulator of Registered Social Landlord and local authority housing services in Scotland.
The SHR's new Regulatory Framework and statutory guidance for social landlords went live on 1 April 2024. It sets out how the SHR will regulate social landlords in Scotland as well as the standards the Regulator expects of social landlords in governance and financial management.
To find out more about this document and other regulatory matters, please visit the SHR's website at www.housingregulator.gov.scot. You can also read this handy guide about how the SHR regulates.
SHR How we regulate - A guide for tenants and service users
The SHR requires associations, such as Grampian, to formally assess itself against the framework and submit this to the Regulator. This assessment is called the Annual Assurance Statement. It is shared with tenants and the Association will also be working with tenants to see how they can play a part in the assessment.
Each year the Association receives a Regulatory status. This is informed by a range of submissions Grampian has to make to the SHR.