GHA completed two further developments at Nigg Kirk Road (Phase 1) and Clifton Road/Deer Road.
First development completed at Broomhill, Fraserburgh of 31 houses for rent.
Co-ownership became less viable as a form of tenure leading to the re-emergence of Grampian as a registered housing association and renamed Grampian Housing Association Ltd.
Initial registration of Grampian (Woodside) Housing Society Ltd with Registrar of Friendly Societies as a co-ownership housing society.
GHA's third office in George Street, Aberdeen was opened by Lord James Douglas-Hamilton, Scottish Housing Minister who also opened the first design and build shared ownership development in Scotland, completed by GHA at Ashgrove Road, Aberdeen.
Completion of 50 unit development combining rented mainstream and special needs provisions at Queen's Road, Fraserburgh. Pioneering Improvement for Sale and Shared Ownership project completed at the Ogilvie Building, Aberdeen which received Civic Society Commendation.
First amenity for the elderly development completed comprising 8 flats at Oscar Road, Torry, Aberdeen.
GHA completed development at Nigg Kirk Road (Phase II) and provided shared ownership for the first time at Bridge of Don, Cove and Portlethen.
GHA moved to second office at Union Terrace, Aberdeen. Staff grew to 3 members.
Opening of new Elgin office. Success in Scottish Homes Housing Association Grant (HAG) competition for the development of a site at Kemnay to provide properties for rent. Joint development between Grampian, Langstane and Ark Housing Associations at Kittybrewster Square, Aberdeen awarded a commendation by the Saltire Society. In Aberdeenshire, houses for rent were provided in Drumoak, Inverurie, Kemnay and Portlethen. The Association also acquired 272 properties as a result of a Transfer of Engagements from Burnsfield Housing Co-operative.
Move to fourth new office at Huntly House. Staff reached 43. Completion of two stock transfers of remaining Scottish Homes' properties in the North East. Burnsfield and Kincardine Housing Co-operatives taken into management. Completion of rented and shared ownership development at Kingswells.
First completed lead tenancy development in Scotland opened at Fraserburgh. GHA celebrates 21st Anniversary.
Completion of 77 unit multi-tenure development at Newmachar, combining rented mainstream and special needs housing with shared ownership and new-build houses for sale in conjunction with GHA's new subsidiary, Kirkgate Homes.
Inauguration of Moray Housing Co-operative. Completion of development at Turner Street, Keith designed for older people and including 2 flats for wheelchair use, significantly boosting the number of units managed by the Association's Elgin office.
Successful ballot of Scottish Homes' tenants in Moray for transfer to the Moray Housing Co-operative. Opening of the Association's Elgin office. Receipt of Saltire Society commendation with Castlehill and Langstane Housing Associations for joint development at Stevenson Court, Aberdeen.
Development at Mackenzie Gardens, Turrif completed combining rented special needs and mainstream housing with shared ownership and Improvement for Sale.
Assured tenancy pilot programme completed at Albury Road, Aberdeen.
Grampian Housing Association achieved TPAS (Tenant Participation Advisory Service) Accreditation for its customer participation activities, only the second housing association in Scotland to gain the award.
GHA worked with the Scottish Government in relation to LIFT (Low-cost Initiative for First Time Buyers) and was successful in its bid to run the Open Market Shared Equity Pilot Scheme in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray, helping people to achieve and sustain home ownership.
Grampian was the first housing association in the North East to achieve "Happy to Translate" status in recognition of its commitment to the provision of quality translation and interpreting services.
Planning permission was granted for the multi-million pound redevelopment of the Timmer Market in Aberdeen to provide flats for rent in the city centre along with an integrated drug treatment and rehabilitation centre in partnership with NHS Grampian.
GHA also developed much needed family accommodation in Torry. New offices and laboratories for SEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency) were also built.
Grampian Housing Association took the first steps with Langstane Housing Association to form a Group Structure but talks later came to a close.
Moray Street Football was the first project to be sponsored through Grampian's new Community Development Fund set up to support local communities. Services including money advice, housing support and a furniture scheme continued to be offered to complement core housing management provision. The main focus of our record repairs spend of over £3.7m was on incorporating energy efficiency measures. Development expenditure in excess of £7.5m ensured that a substantial number of new homes, both for rent and low cost home ownership were added to the Association’s property portfolio. Former hostel residents enjoyed settling into their new homes following the Association's completion of a conversion/new build development on behalf of Grampian Community Care Charitable Trust, a local provider of special needs accommodation for people with physical and learning disabilities.
The Devanha partnership received £95 million to develop 1500 new affordable homes in the area between 2006 and 2010. The majority of the homes were for rent although 350 properties were sold through Homestake, a new shared equity scheme. This joint working relationship increased the efficiency of our house building programmes.
Grampian celebrated its 30th Anniversary. The Association achieved a B grade and a 'good' rating for housing management and a C grade and a 'fair' rating for property maintenance in Communities Scotland's recent inspection. Investment in the development programme exceeded £8 million. Expenditure on planned and cyclical maintenance exceeded £2 million.
Over 200 new tenants were welcomed following the transfer of Moray Housing Co-operative. Investors in People reaccreditation achieved. Most sites being developed through volume procurement initiatives. Upsurge of involvement in wider role projects including financial inclusion and employment initiatives. Partnership established with Solstice, a community based gardening project providing placement opportunities for people with mental health problems.
Launch of the customer panel Count me in. First wider action grant awarded for a community house in Aberdeenshire. Further special needs accommodation provided for Grampian Community Care Charitable Trust. Start of Grampian's participation in the Grampian Volume Procurement Initiative, the first scheme under Communities Scotland's Building a Better Deal Policy, to build 130 affordable homes for rent and shared ownership at sites in Aberdeenshire. Completion of energy efficient houses at Newmachar, Aberdeenshire.
Investors in People accreditation received. Customer Participation Strategy launched and first customer conference held. First development in Ellon, Aberdeenshire completed. Properties for rent and shared ownership, many suitable for people with disabilities under construction at Wilson Street, Peterhead and Provost Fraser Drive, Aberdeen respectively.
Grampian celebrates its 25th Anniversary.
Grampian Housing’s new Five Year Business Plan set out objectives including increasing the supply of quality, sustainable homes and improving access to our services for customers through our digital strategy.
We launched our first tenant-led scrutiny report which involved tenants investigating our tenancy sustainment services (ASSIST and SMART). Our tenants recognised the high quality of these services and provided a number of recommendations which will ensure that individuals are always put first when it comes to service delivery.
Grampian Housing embarked on a journey of business transformation to create a new operating model fit for the 21st century aiming to deliver a number of key outcomes including improved performance, greater customer focus and an enhanced service model with access to digital platforms.
Let’s Choose, Grampian Housing’s subsidiary, won the first ever Mid Market Development of the Year awarded by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations. Delegates at the annual SFHA conference voted for homes at Osprey Heights in Inverurie, Aberdeenshire.
Grampian Housing elected new Chair Norton Bertram-Smith, replacing Gordon Edwards.
To reflect the increasing desire of customers to be able to access and use services 24/7 and to provide more choice and flexibility in the way we deliver our services Grampian began work towards becoming a digital provider of services, including signing the Scottish Government’s Digital Participation Charter to show commitment towards providing more online access to our services for tenants, sharing owners and other customers.
In April Grampian launched TLC Housing Maintenance, a fully owned subsidiary providing planned maintenance to the Association’s tenants, giving us more control over customer care and service quality.
Grampian Housing increased it’s portfolio of properties for rent in the North East to over 3100 with the completion of new homes in Aberdeen, Inverurie, Newmachar and Peterhead.
Kirkgate Developments, a subsidiary of Grampian Housing, was rebranded as Let’s Choose to reflect the company’s focus on becoming first choice in the North East for quality homes at mid-market and market rent.
Grampian, in partnership with Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce and other locally based Registered Social Landlords, launched Build to Rebuild: A Housing Manifesto. The purpose was to make the case for a rethink on affordable housing to address the economy’s needs in the North East.
Investing in our staff, Grampian Housing once again achieved the prestigious Investors in People (IIP) Silver Accreditation. Grampian have been recognised as an Investor in People for 15 years and was first awarded Silver Accreditation in 2013.
In partnership with Edison Oakapple solar panels were installed on over 400 Grampian properties helping to ensure that the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing 2020 targets are met.
Getting Involved in Grampian, a new customer participation strategy, was launched giving customers a wide range of options to participate in the Association’s activities. In consultation with tenants and waiting list applicants Grampian joined HomeHunt NES, a choice based lettings system to give people more choice about where they would like to live.
Grampian Housing Association celebrated a double achievement as it officially opened its 3,000th property built for social rent and also marked its 40th anniversary. Over 40 years, the association increased its portfolio from 31 properties for rent to 3,545 properties for rent and shared ownership, making it the largest housing association based in the North East. To mark the occasion, Margaret Burgess MSP, Minister for Housing and Welfare, officially opened the Association’s latest development of flats for rent at Spencer Court, Froghall Terrace, Aberdeen. Spencer Court was closely followed by the completion of 21 new homes for rent at Bucksburn, Aberdeen.
Our major investment in information technology of £700,000 over two years saw the Association put its customers first in service delivery. The successful implementation of Aareon QL as our new housing management system was project managed by a dedicated staff team. Mobile working was also introduced to take services to our customers. Staff have improved access to customer information to manage inspections and handle queries about, for example, repairs and rent during estate and home visits.
Our scheme at Waulkmill, Elgin was jointly named social housing development of the year, the highest recognition in the Premier Guarantee Excellence Awards. Built in partnership with Springfield Properties, The Moray Council and the Scottish Government, it demonstrated best practice in housebuilding.
We were delighted to secure Big Lottery funding for five years to continue to provide the free confidential money advice and financial inclusion services provided by Smart.
Following another successful bid to the Climate Challenge Fund the Association continued to employ an Energy Adviser to work with tenants to raise awareness of energy efficiency issues and to reduce their carbon footprint.
The tenancy DVD Welcome to your new home won the TPAS Best Practice Award in the Involving All category. Several housing associations bought the DVD giving new tenants useful advice to help them settle into their homes.
Demonstrating our broader commitment to creating employment opportunities, we took on a trainee through the Moray Assisted Recruitment Scheme (MARS). The scheme provided two years employment for vulnerable young people aged 16 - 24 years. As an assistant estate caretaker, our trainee is gained work experience in gardening and internal maintenance. He also undertook a Scottish Vocational Qualification (Level 2) in Horticulture at Moray College.
Grampian Housing Association became a charity in January 2011. Being a charity is important in protecting our ability to provide for people in housing need whilst also undertaking the full range of the Association's activities. These extend beyond providing homes for rent and low cost home ownership to money advice, housing support and other community based projects which currently have a focus on employment initiatives and energy efficiency.
Many of our front-line staff started to undertake the Professional Development Award in housing information and advice through Shelter. On completion of the e-learning course they became accredited with the Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers.
The end of an era in Grampian Housing Association's 35 year history was marked when, after almost 28 years as Chief Executive, Alan Moat retired. Under Alan's leadership Grampian Housing Association grew to become one of the largest and most diverse housing associations based in the North East of Scotland.
Alan had a track record for innovation which contributed to Grampian's success. From having 170 properties for rent and one member of staff when Alan joined in 1982, the Association employed over 100 staff and provided services to over 3000 households when he retired. While Grampian's main focus is the provision of affordable housing for rent, Alan's commitment to broadening the range of tenure types for customers positioned the Association as one of the first in Scotland to provide housing for Shared Ownership and Improvement for Sale. Building on these foundations Grampian continued to embrace new challenges and made a breakthrough in 2010 in providing affordable housing by completing the first housing association development of its kind in Scotland without Government funding at Stoneywood in Aberdeen.
In response to Grampian Housing Association’s concern about colleague wellbeing and resilience in the face of the enduring global pandemic, new wellbeing days are being offered to staff through its “Feeling GREAT” initiative. Wellbeing days are part of a range of measures the Association has put in place to support colleague mental health. They will acknowledge the continuing hard work and commitment of staff in challenging circumstances as well as being a way of saying thank you and showing appreciation.
Tenants had their rents frozen for the next year following the decision of the Association’s Board not to apply a rent increase on the 1 April 2021. It was hoped that the announcement would bring some much needed relief to the many tenants who have suffered financially because of Covid-19. This freeze also applied to service charges and owners’ management fees.
As lockdown was announced due to the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, Grampian Housing was able to quickly respond with our “We Are Here For You” initiative and continued to deliver as many services as possible whilst adhering to strict Government guidelines, with employee and tenant safety a number one priority.
In response to tenant requests to see more of Grampian Housing staff out and about in schemes we developed a new Neighbourhood Team. Neighbourhood Officers have a smaller number of properties to look after so they can get to know their tenants better and are learning all aspects of managing tenancies to provide a one stop service.